



father don rooney

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

As we relaunch our capital campaign, entitled Behold! I Make All Things New (Rev 21:5). I ask your serious consideration to be a part of this new chapter in our parish life. Picture 4,200 families, 11,000 of you, gathered together here on our campus at the same time. Now imagine trying to accommodate a significant number of you who might want to be more actively involved in the work of the church. Incredibly, the only place this can happen is the 80-person multipurpose meeting room or the vestibule of the church, our only shared community spaces.

Over 600 families have joined our parish since the last capital campaign, and our school is at full enrollment. School events happen not only during the day but in the evening as well, resulting in limited possibilities for parish programs to flourish. Growth in parish ministries and outreach activities has been stifled or even prevented because we have nowhere for them to happen. Our current accommodations are simply inadequate for the needs of our growing and vibrant community.

For some of you this campaign is familiar, for others it is a brand new invitation.

As a parishioner who has joined our parish within the last three years, you may not have had an opportunity to participate in the first phase of our campaign. If not already involved, I invite you now to support this critical effort. It will only be successful with the support of all parishioners. I have made a personal pledge to this effort, and I hope that you will join me.

For those of you who gave to the first phase of the campaign, I thank you. Because of your generosity, we are in a strong financial position for phase II. We recognize and appreciate your commitment to this project. Please consider helping us cross the finish line to realize this beautiful new gathering place.

The Church is much more than just the buildings. People must have a space to gather to pray, to meet, to find fellowship, and to build community. Our solution is this capital campaign. Our vision is to create a new Parish Life Center. Will you join us in creating a permanent place where we can expand our ministries and celebrate our cultural diversity?

I ask that you prayerfully consider making a gift to our Behold! I Make All Things New capital campaign. Listen to the Holy Spirit and discern what your level of commitment can be. Your participation is essential to our success, and our success will enable you to celebrate your Catholic faith in a healthy and supportive community setting for years to come.

In Christ,

Fr. Don



For more information, please email allthingsnew@stbernpar.org