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Streaming Masses and Announcements for week of 26 June 2022


Today's Live-Streamed Mass

Worship Aid for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

fleur cross logo We have changed our parish office hours to the summer schedule. We will not be open weekday evenings or on Sundays until after Labor Day.

fleur cross logo Also, please make a note on your calendars: There will be no 7am daily Mass from July 4-12. Please join us daily at 9am.

fleur cross logo Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates!

Parish Life Weekend – September 17-18
La Gran Pollada (Parish Super Peruvian Chicken
Dinner) – Saturday afternoon, September 17
Anniversary Mass for the Dedication of our church, Friday, October 14
El Senor de los Milagros/Lord of the Miracles Mass and Procession – Saturday, October 15
Parish Family Picnic, Saturday, October 22
Echo Yard Sale, Saturday, October 29

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 26 June 2022

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,
As we near the end of the month of June, we are expecting the Supreme Court ruling reagarding the overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision to make abortions legal in the United States.  In the past 50 years the abortions of over 63 million children have been procured, an unfathomable violation of life against those who can not speak for themselves.  It is an evil that cannot be justified, whatever the argument.
The Church has come a long way in reaching out to those who find themselves in seeminly impossible situations, but we need to do more.  Just in the last several years, for example, our Catholic Charities has opened two free clnics to provide alternatives, and through Project Gabriel assistance is provided to pregnant parents as well as the healing services of Project Rachel for those who mourn the loss of a child through abortion.  There is always more we can do.
Nevertheless, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, we have been advised to be prepared for possible demonstrations and protests that could potentially happen in parishes and Catholic social services agencies. I do not wish to alarm anyone, I don't think we will have reactions on the local parish level. But, as we said during the pandemic, it is wise to err on the side of being careful and prepared so that if something happens we have a plan and are not taken by surprise.
Our ushers at Mass and parish staff and ministry leaders have received violence response training this past week, and have a plan.  That is enough to say, as we don't want to publicize any details of what our response might be.
Here are a few guidelines for your consideration:
First, protests and demonstrations are not permitted on private property, inside or outside the church.  They are allowed out at the street where the government owns the easement to our property, but nowhere else.  They are not permitted to obstruct our entrances.  
If a situation arises, the ushers are instructed to immediately contact the Police non-emergency number (703-691-2131).  The protesters will be instructed to leave the property, and informed that the Police have been called.  Police are paying extra attention to our churches this weekend.
Under NO circumstances is anyone to physically engage with a protester.  Know that if there is a protest it will almost definitely be videoed by the protesters.
If you notice a group of people assembling outside on church property or placing any information on vehicles, please notify an usher immediately.  You can be the eyes and ears for those who are responsible for an orderly response to any situation which may arise.  If you engage verbally with a protester in any way, be sure you do so with a witness and, if possible, make a video of the interaction in case it may be needed later.
Again, I don't expect any trouble, but it is always good to be prepared.
The Lord be with you,

Streaming Masses and Announcements ~ 19 June 2022


Today's Live-Streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Corpus Christi


Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 19 June 2022


Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,
In God's plan for his universe, the redemption of his creation depends on a remedy to reconcile humanity, the heart of his creation.  The only remedy would be humanity's offering of itself back to God in reparation of our grievous rejection of God in original sin, something we were powerless to do by ourselves.  
In order to do this, God the Father offers his only Son, who also freely offers himself as the perfect sacrifice, by first becoming truly human, entering into the humility of our state, teaching us the humility needed for reconciliation, allowing us to turn our hearts back to him.  As the lasting legacy of his redemptive mission, he pours out his Holy Spirit as the Advocate to guide and inspire our age and, though he returns to the right hand of the Father, he remains truly present to us.  Now, as we grow in communion with him and one another, we become him.  As members of his Body we go forward in time uniting our hearts to his in his offering of himself to the Father, for us and for our salvation.  The Mass is the action of thanksgiving, the enduring offering of his Body and Blood, the sign of the new and eternal covenant that is our hope.  Our participation in the Mass is the ongoing redemption of the world.
The Eucharist is the keystone upon which this transformation hinges, his real presence made available to us in the humblest form possible, bread and wine.  The humility of this most basic food is a reminder to us of the humility we must have as the People of God to be in communion.
He did not choose anything fancy or powerful to reveal the mystery of his love.  A piece of bread.  He provides us with the same food which was his peoples' survival in the desert following the sacrifice of the Passover.  Jesus chooses this Passover meal to reveal the new and eternal covenant in himself by which we are nourished to be faithful and connected in humanity.
He chose the Last Supper/Passover on the night before his death and resurrection as the meal when he gathered with his Apostles.  Now, he chooses the moment when his family gathers around the altar table to be nourished and formed together in love.  Mealtime is the most important time for families.
We also see this superabundance in his miraculous meals of loaves and fishes when an impossible number of people all are fed, and all are satisfied, with more left over than was in the beginning. Eucharistic Prayer III reveals the Mystery:
Look upon the oblation (offering) of your Church and, recognizing the sacrificial Victim by whose death you willed to reconcile us to yourself, grant that we, who are nourished by the Body and Blood of your Son and filled with his Holy Spirit, may become one body, one spirit in Christ.  May he make us an eternal offering to you...  May this Sacrifice of our reconciliation...advance the peace and salvation of all the world.

The Lord be with you,


Streaming Masses and Weekly Announcements ~ 5 June 2022


Today's Live-Streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Pentecost Sunday

fleur cross logo Come join us as we celebrate the end of Easter Season with Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer II) of Pentecost at 6:15pm on Sunday, June 5. It’s a fully sung Vespers with beautiful musical settings of the psalms and antiphons chosen for easy participation for all. It will last about 25 minutes. The great Paschal cycle that we began with the Eucharist of Ash Wednesday concludes now with this joyful liturgy.

fleur cross logo Religious Education Registration is now open for our summer classes for students who have missed a year (or years) in Religious Education and those who were unable to attend regularly this year. This “catch-up” opportunity will be a one week, full day class held June 27-July 1. If you would like more information about this class, please contact Lynn Jones.

fleur cross logo Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates!

Parish Life Weekend – September 17-18
La Gran Pollada – Saturday afternoon, September 17
Anniversary Mass for the Dedication of our church, Friday, October 14
El Senor de los Milagros/Lord of the Miracles Mass and Procession – Saturday, October 15
Parish Family Picnic, Saturday, October 22
Echo Yard Sale, Saturday, October 29

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 5 June 2022

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

What if you were told that you already have been given everything you need to change the world? In this time of Easter Peace and Pentecost Promise, isn't that exactly what Jesus has been saying? The first disciples and new believers took his words literally and there were manifestations of the Holy Spirit and healings that filled the Church. With the passing of time, I guess, memories faded. Self doubt and judgment overshadowed the childlike joy and acceptance of everything that Jesus received from the Father and passed on to us in the Holy Spirit.

We knew better.

As I reflect on these things, I believe that this has been the greatest disservice of the Church, and our greatest failing. We were taught to doubt the certainty of God's indwelling in our humanity because we are weak and sinful. Especially in this country, Christianity with its Calvinist roots, this "sinners in the hands of an angry God" perspective has made our starting point in faith a handicap, and not a superpower. Focusing on our lack, we are trained to always beg for more. Because somehow you have to earn all of this, right? We look through a lens that we will never be enough, and that is not okay.

I claim this failure also for myself. How many years I have taught people "God loves you," without being really convinced that "God loves me?"

None of it is earned, or merited, or bought by us. The great price was paid by none other than the Son of God himself, who came and gave himself up for us and our salvation while we were still sinners. Thank him that he didn't wait for our moment of personal perfection; we would still be waiting.

Is it any wonder, then, in an institutional system understood as predicated on judgment, that we find ourselves at odds at most, if not every, turn? But isn't it precisely that we will never be enough that this unlikely love of God fills us, and it is in our weakness that we see his strength? Perfection in virtue, thankfully, is not a gift that arrives fully developed for the few. We are all of us works in progress, no exceptions, so we must not reject any who are still on the path.

We celebrate Pentecost because it is the final act of God in what one theologian has called "The Great Theodrama," when God's living interaction with his beloved continues, now, to unfold in time through the work of the Holy Spirit. You have already received everything from God: life and humanity, divinized and united in the Body of Christ, filled with grace, poised at the starting block to run like the wind. It is the Holy Spirit now who is our partner to finish the race—the Spirit of Christ proceeding from the Father and the Son.

Let us beg God the Holy Spirit—not for more, but for ongoing enlightenment, transformation. Help us to know the power and beauty of our baptismal life in God. Some people refer this realization being "born again," an expression sadly doubted by many as sounding too "not-Catholic." Perhaps it isn't being born again but rather, finally, the realization of what it means, in God's love, to be truly born.

The Lord be with you,

Streaming Masses and Weekly Announcements ~ 28 May 2022


Today's Live-Streamed Mass

Worship Aid for the Ascension of the Lord

fleur cross logo Parish Offices will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday on May 31. Please note there will be no 7am Mass that morning.

fleur cross logo Come join us as we celebrate the end of Easter Season with Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer II) of Pentecost at 6:15pm on Sunday, June 5. It’s a fully sung Vespers with beautiful musical settings of the psalms and antiphons chosen for easy participation for all. It will last about 25 minutes. The great Paschal cycle that we began with the Eucharist of Ash Wednesday concludes now with this joyful liturgy.

fleur cross logo Religious Education Registration is now open for our summer classes for students who have missed a year (or years) in Religious Education and those who were unable to attend regularly this year. This “catch-up” opportunity will be a one week, full day class held June 27-July 1. If you would like more information about this class, please contact Lynn Jones.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 28 May 2022


Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

The deep divisions in our community, our Church and conflicts between nations will only be resolved under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit, and in dialogue that seeks the peace that only Christ can give. This time between his ascension and sending of the Spirit at Pentecost is a powerful time for us to call on the Holy Spirit to heal our world. Jesus has given us the solution.

At the heart of dialogue it is Christ’s peace, above all, that we seek. In Christ’s peace, people have to listen to each other with the recognition that neither party is completely right or wrong, consider the reasons for each others’ views and avoid making one’s own views absolute.

This peace isn’t knowable only by Catholics, or even exclusive to Christians. It is given to all who seek it, and all peacemakers who make it. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will.” The song of the angels rang out into the night of Jesus’ birth, before anyone knew who he was, long before anyone had heard of Christianity.

His kingdom of peace is already present in him, but not yet perfect in us. Our job in history is to be bridges of what is, to what is to come. "Blessed are the peacemakers – theirs is the kingdom of God."

At first glance, our diversity can appear as the cause of our divisions, but convergence is also possible. Divergence, or splitting apart, is often the result of a lack of self-reflection or a lack of formation in values. It results in tribalism. Sometimes it happens by someone’s evil intention, but I think most of the time it happens when we choose to be ignorant or indifferent. Without intentionality and discipline humans tend to stray.

Jesus says, to anyone who follows the commandment of love, the Son and the Father come to dwell and the Holy Spirit, their bond of love, explains all the truth that Jesus has brought. The gift of the Holy Spirit who comes is not rationed, as we might be tempted to think, less to one or more to another. There is no partial gift of the Holy Spirit.

In our dialogue for Christian unity maybe we have been starting at the wrong place. Rather than convincing each other we are right, maybe we begin learning who each other are, focusing on that real presence of the Holy Spirit who does not deny himself to anyone who seeks him.

In our encountering one another, can we recognize one another as people of faith, hope and love? Since the greatest of these is love, perhaps if we do not find at first our unity in faith, we can begin by choosing to become people united in love. Maybe mutual hope will follow. As peacemakers we will know a genuine and lasting peace.

The Holy Spirit, who is the bond of love will enter into our diversity and transform our divergence to convergence, and our hearts' longing into peace.

Easter blessings. The Lord be with you,


Streaming Masses and Announcements for the week of 22 May 2022


Today's Live-Streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Sixth Sunday of Easter

fleur cross logo Parish Offices will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday on May 31. Please note there will be no 7am Mass that morning.

fleur cross logo Come join us as we celebrate the end of Easter Season with Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer II) of Pentecost at 6:15pm on Sunday, June 5. It’s a fully sung Vespers with beautiful musical settings of the psalms and antiphons chosen for easy participation for all. It will last about 25 minutes. The great Paschal cycle that we began with the Eucharist of Ash Wednesday concludes now with this joyful liturgy.

fleur cross logo Religious Education Registration is now open for our summer classes for students who have missed a year (or years) in Religious Education and those who were unable to attend regularly this year. This “catch-up” opportunity will be a one week, full day class held June 27-July 1. If you would like more information about this class, please contact Lynn Jones.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 22 May 2022

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

There are conflicting messages about the Mass and how we celebrate it in the Church today and often I hear peoples' frustration. I include today Cindy Wooden's reporting on a recent teaching of Pope Francis (CNS).

The study and celebration of the liturgy should lead to a sense of awe before God, a commitment to mission and a growing unity within the church, not tensions and squabbles, Pope Francis said.

“When liturgical life is a bit of a banner of division, there is the odor of the devil, the deceiver. It is not possible to worship God and at the same time make the liturgy a battlefield,” the pope said May 7 during a meeting with students and professors from the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy at St. Anselm in Rome.

Pope Francis said the institute responded to “the growing need of the people of God to live and participate more intensely in the liturgical life of the church” by understanding it and experiencing “its mystery with an ever-new sense of wonder.” “One does not possess the liturgy,” he said. Rather, the liturgy is lived and celebrated.

However, the pope said, people must be aware of “the temptation of liturgical formalism: to focus on forms, formalities rather than reality, as we see today in those movements that try to go backwards and deny the Second Vatican Council. Then the celebration is recitation, it is something without life, without joy.”

The teaching of every church council has taken time to be accepted fully, he said, and it is no different with Vatican II, especially with its reform of the liturgy.

He told the students and professors that he remembers as a youngster how people were so upset—“they rent their garments”—by reforms that began even before the council, such as Pope XII ruling that drinking water did not violate the required fast before Mass or allowing people to fulfill their Sunday Mass obligation by attending a Saturday evening Mass or the restoration of the Easter vigil on Saturday night.

“All of these things scandalized closed-minded people,” he said, and “it still happens today. Indeed, those with closed mindsets use liturgical patterns to defend their own point of view. Using the liturgy: this is the drama we are experiencing in ecclesial groups that are distancing themselves from the church, questioning the council [and] the authority of the bishops” even as they claim “to preserve tradition.”

Celebrating the liturgy must increase communion within the church and unity with others, he said, because “the liturgical life opens us to each other, to those closest and furthest from the church, in our common belonging to Christ.”

“Giving glory to God in the liturgy finds its counterpart in love of neighbor, in the commitment to live as brothers and sisters in daily life, in the community in which I find myself, with its merits and its limitations.”
And, he said, every Mass or liturgy ends with sending members of the congregation out on mission.

Easter blessings. The Lord be with you,

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