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Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 21 February 2021

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

Lent is here!  We are two weeks in the liturgical year cycle from the start of the pandemic in 2020.  Unreal.  The good news is that we will be able to schedule our liturgies more normally as we have in past years for our Parish Mission, Stations of the Cross and Holy Week / Triduum liturgies.  The only difficulty is that we will be limited to 250 persons for each event and undoubtedly in many instances reservations will be required in advance.  If you want to attend, please make reservations.

Our Parish Mission (what has been 40 Hours of adoration) will be quite abbreviated.  We will begin following the regular 5pm Mass on Feb. 28, as well as a special 6:30pm Mass on Monday, Mar. 1, with a holy hour of adoration, including talks by Fr. Cedric Wilson, "Spirituality and Sanity."  Masses and talks will be live-streamed.  One year into the pandemic we have a real need to integrate our spirituality in helping one another to cope with the privations and isolation of the pandemic.  Fr. Cedric is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience within the mental health profession.  He has specialized in the area of supporting at-risk children and their families, and has served in numerous capacities as a mental health clinician with Johns Hopkins Hospital.  He currently provides outpatient mental health services to children and adolescents with a primary focus on significant social, emotional and behavioral problems.  His caseload consists of twenty-five students ranging from six to thirteen years of age, their families, and their school staff.  He received his Masters of Divinity from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, an M.S. in Mental Health Counseling (Univ. of St. Thomas, Miami), and M.S. and Ph.D. in Psychology (both at Howard University).

Stations of the Cross will be Fridays at 7:30pm. That will mean that Confessions will need to end a little before Stations begin, since we are hearing Confessions openly in the church.  Please be patient as we navigate this.  We will not be live-streaming Stations, but a recording of Stations from last year is available on our website.

Additional Confessions will be on most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the church (watch the bulletin calendar on p.2 for exceptions).  Here is how it is going to work:  we will form a line in the church vestibule, socially distanced, at the center doors of the main aisle, and down to the halfway break in the aisle.  The person waits there until the priest at the handicap door to the left or the St. Bernadette shrine to the right is free.  There will not be screens or kneelers as we will not be able to sanitize in between each Confession.  Then people leave up the side aisles to exit the church.  We ask that people do not line up seated in the pews, as everyone in line will be sharing the same spaces over and over.  Saturday Confessions will continue to be in the gym as we will need to sanitize the church on some days prior to the 5pm Mass.

The Holy Week schedule will look like other years, again, but with limits on the size of the assembly.  Some things will be a little different, but essentially the same.  We'll talk about Holy Week in the near future, as I am hoping that some restrictions might be lifted since we are all being so good about following the guidelines and case numbers are dropping. 

God bless you. 


Streaming Masses and Announcement for the Week of 15 February 2021

Click here to Reserve A Seat (Español)
In accordance with the Governor’s Phase 3 and Arlington Diocese Guidelines, we welcome you and your family back to Saint Bernadette. For specific instructions for attendance click the "New Guidelines for Attending Mass" video link below.

Click here for the video explaining our "New Guidelines for Attending Mass at Saint Bernadette"

Our 6pm ASH Wednesday Mass is FULL.
We regret that there are no addtional seats available for this Mass.
We are at capacity and only those with reservations will be seated.
Please join us for our 8pm Mass in Spanish.



Today's Live-streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Ash Wednesday

Worship Aid for Sunday of the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

fleur cross logo The annual Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: “Encourage One Another by Word and Deed” is underway. If you have not, please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Drop your envelope in the baskets in the vestibule on the weekends or at the office door mailbox at any other time. Your generosity is what makes our Church’s response possible.

fleur cross logo As always, please make reservations for Mass: It is working! As Mass attendance increases, we will seat those with reservations first and walk-ins will be accommodated after those with reservations are seated.  You can find how many seats are still available by visiting the website.

fleur cross logo All are asked to please exit the church and vestibule right at the end of Mass so that there is at least a full half-hour for sanitizing the church.  We reopen 30 minutes before the next Mass.

at S
aint Bernadette Church

Lent Fasting:

Food equivalent to one regular meal, one small meal - Ash Wednesday and Good Friday

Lent Abstinence:
No meat - Ash Wednesday and ALL Fridays

Stations of the Cross:
Fridays at 7:30pm (please make reservations)

Lent Confessions:
Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm except March 1
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
Fridays, 6:30-7:30pm except February 26
Saturdays, 3:30-4:30pm (as usual)
Please plan confessions early in the season to avoid running out of time.

Parish Lenten Mission:
Sunday, Feb 28:
5pm Mass followed by an hour of Adoration and talk by Fr. Cedric Wilson, "Spirituality and Sanity"

Monday, Mar 1:6:30pm
Mass followed by an hour of Adoration and talk by Fr. Cedric Wilson, "Spirituality and Sanity," concluding with Benediction. 

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 14 February 2021

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,
Today my intention is to offer words of comfort to all of you who are kept away from being with us at Mass due to Covid. If you are not physically present, that does not mean you are not participating in the Eucharist.  You can't be far from the Eucharist, because time and place have no power over the Lord.
The Eucharist is the heart of the Church. It is the heart of all creation.  The nature of the Eucharist is love: Jesus emptying himself of self and filling all creation with life.  In this process humanity is redeemed and all of creation is set back to right.  Truth is discovered where he had been forgotten. The Word made flesh, the Son of God, offers his sacrifice to the Father—himself—for the salvation of the world.  In the Passover meal and the Cross he left this work to us:  As I have done, so you must also do (John 13:15).  
Since that Good Friday, in him, we have been offered and redeemed, and brought back to new life in his resurrection, so that we truly might be the Body of Christ which continues to make that sacrifice of self to the Father.  We, head and members, are Christ who continue the one sacrifice of salvation to the Father.  It is the Mass.
Saint Augustine, in City of God (10), explains that "a true sacrifice is anything we do with the aim of being united to God in holy fellowship—anything that is directed toward that supreme good and end in which alone we can be truly blessed.  It follows that even an act of compassion towards men is not a sacrifice, if it is not done for the sake of God."  Although performed by us, sacrifice is still a divine thing, "holy-making."
I have only one page to write this, so we will skip to his conclusion. Augustine concludes that "it follows that the whole redeemed city (that is to say, the congregation or communion of saints) is offered to God as our sacrifice through the great High Priest who offered himself to God for us so that we might be the body belonging to so great a head... It was under this form that he both offered and was offered:  at the same time mediator, and priest, and sacrifice."
The Mass is the great Nexus of offering that we make—literally, he in us, and we in him—which are the many sacrifices of our lives.  He has empowered us to intentionally unite our lives with the sacrifice which takes place at every Mass, whether we are physically present or not.  Our sacrifices are so valuable that they can save all of creation.
In this spirit, then, let us intentionally unite all our joys and sufferings, successes and failures, weaknesses and strengths to the sacrifice of the Mass. Let this pandemic be our offering!  Our illness and loss, our isolation and abandonment, our powerlessness—all of these are things that Jesus encountered and experienced before us so that wherever we are and whatever we might be confronted with, we will know that he is already there and we are not alone.  This spiritual communion is ritualized and perfected when the Eucharist is celebrated, and no one who has united themselves with Christ is absent.

God bless you.


Streaming Masses and Announcements for the Week of 7 February 2021

Click here to Reserve A Seat (Español)
In accordance with the Governor’s Phase 3 and Arlington Diocese Guidelines, we welcome you and your family back to Saint Bernadette. For specific instructions for attendance click the "New Guidelines for Attending Mass" video link below.

Click here for the video explaining our "New Guidelines for Attending Mass at Saint Bernadette"


Today's Live-streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Sunday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time

fleur cross logo It’s time for each and every registered family to consider how they plan to support the work of the Catholic Church in the annual Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: “Encourage One Another by Word and Deed.” Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Commitment Weekend is this weekend, February 6-7 at all Masses. Your generosity is what makes our Church’s response possible. Click here for the BLA Program Video

fleur cross logo  Our process for BLA commitment weekend this weekend will be a little different given our current COVID protocols. There are three ways to support the annual appeal. First, you will be offered an envelope at registration check-in by the porter at the door. As in the past, the pledge envelope will be completed at Mass at the designated time and you will place your envelope in the basket in the vestibule as you leave the church.  You are also invited to use your cell phone to scan the QR code printed on the envelope or displayed on the BLA posters in the vestibule to enter your pledge information electronically OR you may text “BLA” to 703-260-9800 and a link to the BLA giving page will be sent you. More information can be found in today’s bulletin. Please note there will l be no in-pew distribution nor will there be pencils/pens provided. Please bring your own. We also kindly ask that you do not leave envelopes in the pew when you leave Mass.

fleur cross logo Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. 

fleur cross logo As always, please make reservations for Mass so that we can manage capacity and maintain a safe environment. As Mass attendance increases, we will seat those with reservations first and walk-ins will be accommodated after those with reservations are seated.  You can find how many seats are still available by visiting the website.

fleur cross logo  
All are asked to please exit the church and vestibule right at the end of Mass so that there is at least a full half-hour for sanitizing the church.  Then we can reopen the building 30 minutes before the next Mass.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 7 February 2021

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

The Gospel says the people were astonished by his teaching, because he spoke as one having authority, not like the scribes.  Perhaps scribes taught one thing and lived another, or claimed the truth of what they said without passion. There was something clearly noticeable that Jesus was the one to be heard, and not the others.  

How do we cut through all of this today and know who is telling the truth?  Truth is not determined by taking a poll, as many would like to claim.  The majority can be wrong.

The way to know who has the truth is not by the words themselves —anyone can say anything they want and be very convincing.  The way to know the truth is by discerning the spirit of the one who is speaking.  I think that Jesus was so transparently good that people suddenly just knew that he was incapable of anything false: not an authority in some kind of juridical sense with power over others, but a clarity of the one in whom truth perfectly abides.  Later he says, “I am the way, I am the truth…”   In many places in the Gospels we see evil spirits who all immediately know who Jesus is.  I would like to think that there are as many or more instances where people with true hearts identify him just as immediately.

Those people with good hearts: who are they? Are they only the perfect and pious?  As people of faith, we don’t place our belief in any person or thing other than God.  We recognize that God has a plan and intends to work among us through the Church he started,  a Church of saints and sinners called to the responsibility of caring and serving.  It is more than a responsibility, it is an obligation.  People will respect the authority of the Church only if she is transparent and looks like Jesus, blameless, showing the fruits of this authority which are healing, forgiving, liberating the world from evil, living humility and compassion, simplicity and generosity.  Unfortunately for too long the identity of the Church has been juridical and punitive in nature—this is the worldly aspect of authority—and she has lost her identity as the one who is here to serve the poorest and most marginalized, to reach out a hand to help and embrace, not to slap.  These are the fruits people will recognize and because of them people will stop and listen.  Pope Francis is tireless in speaking this word—with the same authority, I believe—but many have stopped listening, convinced that they know better.  The scribes weren’t listening to Jesus, either. 

As the Church in the public square, we aren’t doing so well.  You can’t claim the authority without living the truth.  We have a long way to go before realizing a culture of unity and life, a culture of welcome and compassion, a culture of sharing what we have with those in need.  At that point, perhaps, state legislatures and political leaders might recognize our voice not as just another voice but a voice with the authority of One who is truly greater than all of us.  

The voice of the Church must continue to transform culture through the many ministries and witness of Christ.  The Bishop's Lenten Appeal can make this happen.  Please, every one, help.

God bless you.

Streaming Masses and Announcements for the Week of 31 January 2021

Click here to Reserve A Seat (Español)
In accordance with the Governor’s Phase 3 and Arlington Diocese Guidelines, we welcome you and your family back to Saint Bernadette. For specific instructions for attendance click the "New Guidelines for Attending Mass" video link below.

Click here for the video explaining our "New Guidelines for Attending Mass at Saint Bernadette"



Parish Office Employees will be working from home today.
If you must come to the parish office please drop your items through the mail slot at the front office door.
Please use extreme caution on the property. The 9am Mass will be celebrated as scheduled.

Upon the conclusion of the 9am Mass, the church will be locked for the remainder of the day.

Please check back for further updates for Tuesday, 2 February.


Today's Live-streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Sunday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

fleur cross logo It’s time for each and every registered family to consider how they plan to support the work of the Catholic Church in the annual Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: “Encourage One Another by Word and Deed.” Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Commitment Weekend will be February 6-7 at all Masses. Your generosity is what makes our Church’s response possible.

fleur cross logo  Our process for BLA commitment weekend next weekend will be a little different this year given our current COVID protocols. There are three ways to support the annual appeal. First, you will be offered an envelope at registration check-in by the porter at the door. As in the past, the pledge envelope will be completed at Mass at the designated time and you will place your envelope in the basket in the vestibule as you leave the church.  You are also invited to use your cell phone to scan the QR code printed on the envelope or displayed on the BLA posters in the vestibule to enter your pledge information electronically OR you may text “BLA” to 703-260-9800 and a link to the BLA giving page will be sent you. More information can be found in today’s bulletin. Please note there will l be no in-pew distribution nor will there be pencils/pens provided. Please bring your own. We also kindly ask that you do not leave envelopes in the pew when you leave Mass.

fleur cross logo Stuff the Bus! To help ECHO collect food for the most vulnerable in our community, Fairfax County Government and MV Transportation, Inc. will conduct Stuff the Bus events on Saturday, January 30,  and  February 6, 10am to 3pm.  Those wishing to donate to ECHO should come to the Braddock District Supervisor’s Office, 9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke, or the Commons Community Center, 5701 Roberts Parkway, Burke (near the VRE parking lot).  Fastran buses will be in those parking lots to collect non-perishable foods and personal hygiene supplies.

fleur cross logo Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. 

fleur cross logo As always, please make reservations for Mass so that we can manage capacity and maintain a safe environment. As Mass attendance increases, we will seat those with reservations first and walk-ins will be accommodated after those with reservations are seated.  You can find how many seats are still available by visiting the website.

fleur cross logo  All are asked to please exit the church and vestibule right at the end of Mass so that there is at least a full half-hour for sanitizing the church.  Then we can reopen the building 30 minutes before the next Mass.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 31 January 2021

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

This week I finished signing all of the annual end-of-year statements to parishioners who gave during the past year.  First, thank you for sticking with us and giving to the offertory and second collections despite the difficulty and uncertainty of this past bizarre year, when we haven't been together as much. I am grateful to many who are so generous.  Pastors have all been worried about keeping as active as possible and paying salaries and benefits.  We have been able to keep things going well, thanks to you.

These letters are statements for charitable giving in case you itemize deductions for charitable gifts on your taxes.  In other years we have sent letters also to those who have no recorded gifts, but decided not to do that this year so as not to be misunderstood.  If you didn't get a letter from us and did give to the parish last year, please contact us so we can make any needed corrections.

Also, not to tell you what everybody already knows, but we have had a lot of delays with our local post office, sometimes receiving things over a month late.  If you need the end-of-year statement right away, you are welcome to call and we can print one for you to pick up.

This is the time of year when fundraising goes into full swing!  Please don't be upset, but I must beg, especially this year.  To help simplify the schedule and assist in your consideration of options for support, here is a short list of fundraising coming up:

•  This week—Feb. 2-3—is the Day of Giving for Catholic Schools.  It is a day when we send out the request to extended school families, school alumni, and parishioners to give an annual gift to the operating expenses of our school.  You could think of it as a "Go Fund Me" day for Catholic education.  If you can help, it is truly helpful.  Our goal is $25,000, and we hope to grow this each year.

•  Next weekend—Feb. 6-7—is Commitment Weekend for the Bishop's Lenten Appeal.  Our parish goal for 2021 is the same as last year, $465,000.  Last year's Appeal happened just as the pandemic was beginning and we are hoping that this primary funding source for diocesan operations doesn't take a hit due to economic concerns.  We will have envelopes available next weekend for the in-pew process (please bring your own pen!) or you can make a pledge online.  We will have instructions at Masses and on the website this weekend.

•  We totally missed our School Auction last year, an event that we really rely on financially.  Tickets go on sale Feb. 8 for a very nice grab-n-go dinner to eat during the online streaming Live Auction on Mar. 20.  The silent auction will be live online Mar. 8-20.  Please let's start getting the word out!

Of course—don't forget!—the Capital Campaign continues as we draw near to the conclusion of the three-year pledge period, with about $1.5 million yet needed to be pledged.  I had hopes on the billion dollar lottery...

God bless you.

Streaming Masses and Announcements ~ 24 January 2021

Click here to Reserve A Seat (Español)
In accordance with the Governor’s Phase 3 and Arlington Diocese Guidelines, we welcome you and your family back to Saint Bernadette. For specific instructions for attendance click the "New Guidelines for Attending Mass" video link below.

Click here for the video explaining our "New Guidelines for Attending Mass at Saint Bernadette"


Today's Live-streamed Mass

Worship Aid for Sunday of the Third Week of Ordinary Time

fleur cross logo  March for Life: This year’s March will be virtual on Friday, January 29. Please see for more information.  We will observe the day with a special Holy Hour of adoration following the 9am Mass.  In case there is a crowd, please register at our parish website to secure a seat.  Following Benediction at 10:30am, all are invited to participate in the Life Chain.  Join us in front of Key Middle School between 11am-1pm.

fleur cross logo Pease join us for the 9 Days of Life Novena. Information on how you can participate can be found on our announcements page.

fleur cross logo It’s time for each and every registered family to consider how they plan to support the work of the Catholic Church in the annual Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: “Encourage One Another by Word and Deed.” Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Commitment Weekend will be February 6-7 at all Masses. Your generosity is what makes our Church’s response possible.

fleur cross logo Stuff the Bus! To help ECHO collect food for the most vulnerable in our community, Fairfax County Government and MV Transportation, Inc. will conduct Stuff the Bus events on Saturday, January 30,  and  February 6, 10am to 3pm.  Those wishing to donate to ECHO should come to the Braddock District Supervisor’s Office, 9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke, or the Commons Community Center, 5701 Roberts Parkway, Burke (near the VRE parking lot).  Fastran buses will be in those parking lots to collect non-perishable foods and personal hygiene supplies.

fleur cross logo Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. Since the outbreak of COVID, Fairfax Inova Hospital changed protocols.  Now, if a family wants a hospital chaplain to visit a family member, you must make the request personally (not from priests or friends) by calling the chaplains directly: 703-776-3767. 

fleur cross logo As always, please make reservations for Mass so that we can manage capacity and maintain a safe environment. As Mass attendance increases, we will seat those with reservations first and walk-ins will be accommodated after those with reservations are seated.  You can find how many seats are still available by visiting the website.

fleur cross logo  All are asked to please exit the church and vestibule right at the end of Mass so that there is at least a full half-hour for sanitizing the church.  Then we can reopen the building 30 minutes before the next Mass.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ 24 January 2021

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

January 18 to 26 has been the octave of Christian Unity, or the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, for over 100 years.  It's a time when we reflect on the sad divisions resulting in more than 30,000 denominations in the world, all believers in Jesus Christ.  Generally speaking, all are baptized with the same baptism and all are brothers and sisters.  500 years of division in western Christianity are seen from today's perspective not as religious in nature, but having been motivated by social and political divisions which crept into the Church and did damage.  Power corrupts.

If we were honest, looking at the many deep and bitter divisions within our Church, we would have to say that it is only by the grace of God and our unity with the Pope that we are still here.  And there seem to be profound cracks there, too, as a post-truth era and disrespectful cancel culture creep into the Church and do damage.

But what on paper seems to divide us the most is actually what unites us, both within the Church and with other Christians.  It is the Eucharist, Christ's forever offering of himself to the Father.  We, as members of his Body, now continue his offering on the cross and his risen glory when we actively recall in thanksgiving our redemption through his saving act at the Mass.

It is we the baptized, head and members (participating as we are able), who make up the totus Christus, the whole Christ, as Pope John Paul II taught, and all members must take part for this offering to be complete.  It is for this reason that the differences which divide us are sinful, and we must take up the work of dialogue to heal the divisions. It is we who impede the work of the salvation of the world when we can not gather around the altar.

For centuries prior to the second Vatican Council there was a deep divide between the clergy and the laity.  Although they are ministerially distinct by nature of sacrament (head and members, as John Paul II said), you can't have the Body without both.  By virtue of our common baptism, we also are anointed with the priesthood of the faithful.  All of us.  There is still a clericalism in our Church culture today that would seek to emphasize a superiority of the clergy. Though real, the distinction does not mean unequal.  True, the priest presides at the altar with a distinct role.  It is Jesus who performs that miracle at every Mass and the priest is a particular instrument of that institution, calling the Holy Spirit upon the gifts and using Jesus' own words.  But the description traditionally referring to the priest, in persona Christi, must necessarily also include you, the lay faithful.  We gather in sacred remembrance with thanks and praise, and together are Christ, offering himself out of love to the Father.

This is the calling we have been given.  There is no greater exercise of love and selflessness, there is no greater source of unity whose witness is so deeply needed today.

God bless you.

9 Days for Life

Catholics nationwide are preparing to pray 9 Days for Life, the annual pro-life novena beginning this year January 21.

In the Catholic Church, a ‘novena’ consists of prayers over nine successive days. This por-life novena is an opportunity for recollection and reparation in observation of the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade – Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the United States.

The overarching intention of the novena is the end of abortion. Each daily intention highlights a related topic and is accompanied by a reflection, educational information, and suggested daily actions. The novena encompasses the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on 22 January.

All are invited to sign up. Participants can receive the novena in English or Spanish via email or text message or access it online. Participants can share their pro-life witness and invite their social networks to pray on social media with the hashtag #9DaysforLife.

Here are the links to subscribe to the 9 Days for Life Novena email notifications.

English – Flocknote Notifications

Spanish – Flocknote Notifications

To receive text notifications instead of email, please do the following:

English – Text 9daysforlife to 84576

Spanish – Text 9diasporlavida to 84576

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