St Bernadette Parish

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Title Speaker Date Series
28 Apr, 5th Sunday of Easter, Stay on the vine! 2024-04-28 Homilies
21 Apr, 4th Sunday of Easter, The Good Shepherd Keystone 2024-04-21 Homilies
14 Apr, 3rd Sunday Easter, It's been there all the time 2024-04-14 Homilies
7 Apr, 2nd Sunday of Easter: Living, loving legacy 2024-04-07 Homilies
31 Mar, Easter Sunday, Transformation 2024-03-31 Homilies
24 Mar, Palm Sunday, It is all for you 2024-03-24 Homilies
17 Mar, 5th Sunday Lent (cycle A), I AM the life in you 2024-03-17 Homilies
17 March, 5th Sunday Lent (cycle B), The seed that dies 2024-03-17 Homilies
10 Mar, 4th Sunday Lent (cycle A), Light for the Blind 2024-03-10 Homilies
3 Mar, Third Sunday of Lent - cycle B, Rebuild this Temple 2024-03-03 Homilies
3 Mar, Third Sunday of Lent - cycle A, the Woman at the Well 2024-03-03 Homilies
40 HOURS Talk 3: UNITY - Who Are We? 2024-02-27 Homilies
40 HOURS Talk 2: LITURGY - Why are we here? 2024-02-26 Homilies
40 HOURS Talk 1: LAITY - Who Am I? 2024-02-25 Homilies
25 Feb, 2nd Sunday Lent, Transfiguration 2024-02-25 Homilies
18 Feb, 1st Sunday Lent, Called to Easter 2024-02-18 Homilies
11 Feb, 6th Sunday OT, The Leper and Jesus 2024-02-11 Homilies
4 Feb, 5th Sunday OT, Called to be healers 2024-02-04 Homilies
28 Jan, 4th Sunday OT, "Quiet! Come out of him." 2024-01-28 Homilies
21 Jan, 3rd Sunday OT, The Word of God came to Jonah... 2024-01-21 Homilies