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Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ July 16, 2017

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

“My word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

The Word of God is sent today through you. It is not simply ink on paper, as many of us today have reduced it, to an optional reading choice. This passage from Isaiah is offered in parallel to Jesus’ own parable of the sower of the seeds in the Gospel: the seed is his Word, first showered on us hoping for an abundant harvest. It is sown with intention, that we will in turn take our handful of seeds and be the sower who goes out to sow what has been entrusted to us.

When I was young we moved to a farm, a real working farm. We did not rely on the farm for our survival as so many did, but I learned what a farmer has to do. You work hard. You prepare the soil, you spend a significant amount of savings as an investment to buy the seed you have to plant, and you just have to trust. That the rain won’t be too little, or too much; that the storms and winds won’t be damaging, that the sun isn’t so hot that the soil bakes into clay. You spend the summer walking the rows, cutting out the weeds that try to choke the new plants. You hope that the market is good and grain prices are good when it comes time to harvest and that you will make a return on your farm to pay bills and plan for next year. Farmers work hard because their lives literally depend upon it, even in the face of so many unpredicable difficulties that are not in their control.

I share with you a Christian mission to cultivate those who will listen, enrich our context to be a place that will be open to welcome the Word of God, and plant the precious seeds. The nature of this stewardship of the seed and the soil forms you and me to be disciples—not necessarily as a theologian or expert—but just the way we live our lives makes hearts into gardens. And our work has only one goal: to yield a bountiful multiplication of God’s gifts not just in the places where we are comfortable, but especially in the places Pope Francis calls the peripheries: the places where people are forgotten, unvalued, the places where we probably don’t want to go.

The harvest is clearly in the hands of God, and we must work, as many saints said, as if everything depends on us, and pray as if everything depends on God. Truly, our lives depend upon it. Cardinal Wuerl, in the Catholic Leaders Convocation in Orlando, put it like this: we must have a new sense of outreach. The face of the Church has to invite, has to be open to ALL, especially those who have gotten the impression that they are not important or somehow rejected. No one is rejected by God, or unimportant. So how can it be that so many have this idea?

The Word that is sown is always the same, but it must be sown so as to be heard, to be received. We must be concerned with its reception. Saint John Paul II said in Redemptoris missio, “We must learn to speak in the language of those who may be listening.” We take the Good News and become a living invitation with our lives. Renewal begins within us, then goes out. The first part of the encounter is simply to be together, not to try to teach or convince, or show error. Just to be together so a conversation can be real and sincere.

He gave us five characteristics of the evangelizing disciple:

1) Boldness / courage. Draw upon the Pentecost moment that woke you up in the faith. If that hasn’t happened yet, take steps to seek deeper faith.

2) Connectedness to the Church. Stay close to the font of God’s truth, not my truth. God lives among us today, now, and speaks in the Church.

3) A sense of urgency. Mary set out in haste... NOW is the time to go out, to call, to ask. The past was done for us, now it is our turn.

4) Compassion / mercy. He who recognizes that he has been embraced, embraces. Francis, after his election, said, “I am a sinner who has been embraced by the Love of God.

5) Joy. This moment, now, is our Pentecost. Ultimately it is this joy, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, that reveals God’s presence to those who are seeking him. Not some kind of shallow happiness, however: Jesus was filled with joy in the darkest moment on the Cross—though certainly the most unhappy moment, too. His suffering was terrible, but he knew that it was not for nothing. On the contrary, he was accomplishing his Father’s will and the salvation of the world. Abiding joy.

He passes this gift and mission to you and me.

May God bless you.

Announcements ~ July 9, 2017

fleur cross logo Please note this most important announcement:  Beginning Sunday, 30 July 2017, our Sunday Mass schedule will change.  Saturday Vigil Mass will now be at 5pm (Confessions at 3:30pm); Sunday Masses will be offered at 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) and 5pm.
fleur cross logo Please consider our Catholic School. We invite you to visit our website,, if you would like to see what we can do for your child. Call our St. Bernadette School office at 703-451-8696 to learn more, or to arrange for a tour. Registration is still open for all classes, we hope to see you soon!
fleur cross logo Religious Education Class Enrollment is NOW!  Registration forms are available in the Church Vestibule and Parish Office. For more information, please visit our website:
fleur cross logo This week, our second collection is for the  Solidarty Fund for the Church in Africa. See page 14 for more details.
fleur cross logo Please support St. Bernadette School! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our school every time you shop, at no cost to you. Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to St. Bernadette School. See page 7 for more details.
fleur cross logo The Greater Springfield Communities of Faith are providing school supplies for children in our community. Each child will receive a backpack with necessary school supplies. Any extra supplies will be distributed to ECHO, Springfield/Franconia Resource Center, Crestwood Family Center, Crestwood, Garfield, or Lynbrook Elementary Schools or other organizations in need of supplies. Supplies should be turned in by Sunday, July 30. A box will be available in the Church Vestibule to place your donations

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ July 9, 2017

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

This week I’m at the Catholic Leaders Convocation sponsored by the USCCB in Orlando, Florida. I’ve been tweeting, believe it or not (@frdonrooney)—you can find a lot about what is current in Catholic news by following just a couple of the Catholic media outlets from the Vatican or USCCB.

On the cover of the bulletin is a photo I took at the beginning of our Sunday Mass last weekend with Archibishop Gregory presiding. You can see our bishop, Michael Burbidge, on the screen in the upper right corner of the photo, processing into the ballroom.

Archbishop Wenski of Miami introduced the keynote speaker, Dr. Hosffman Ospino of Boston College, explaining that this Convocation began with a planning process a half dozen years ago. There was a tension, he said, between the action of pro-life and social justice movements within the Church which needed resolution. Further surveys indicated that the tension didn’t exist so much on local levels as in hierarchical circles of leadership, and demanded that points of real concern be addressed on a much more fundamental level. The distance and angst that has divided the Church exists on a much deeper level: there is a need to share the joy of the Gospel, a theme that is often overlooked by those more likely to despair. Still, he said, “We don’t want to drown in sorrow about what we are about to hear.”

Dr. Ospino defined the context of today’s Church. We are well acquainted with recent surveys of the Church’s life; I have written much about this in past bulletins. He explained: about 1% of the Church is Native American; 4% of the Church is of African-American origin and Black; 6% has the Pacific rim and islands as cultural origin; 40% are Spanish-speaking; and 50% are described as European-American and White. 100 years ago this group counted as 85-90% of the American Church. Today 60% of the youth of the Church come from families who have Spanish as their primary language. Ministry needs to meet this profile.

Perhaps you have noticed that we have been more intentional about our language lately in expressing the reality of Saint Bernadette. We won’t call the 1pm Mass the “Spanish” Mass, nor will we call the 5pm Mass the “Youth” Mass. Such expressions segregate: There are People of God who speak Spanish, and others who speak Tagalog or English. All are equally People of God. People of God are involved in ALL ministry. People of all languages and all ages are encouraged to be involved, to permeate, all ministries and not stand separate.

Dr. Ospino identified four cultural shifts that characterize the modern Church. Before passing judgment, he says, we must acknowledge the reality of our culture today that touches all of our families in the pews. These should be starting points of conversation and vital dialogue in our community.

1) Family life, as we knew it, is reconfigured with regard to roles, expectations and practices. The family is generally no longer the place where faith and morals are introduced. We have a great need to foster a vibrant family life.

2) There has been an erosion of communal life due to individualism. Caring for the vulnerable among us has become someone else’s problem. Worship together as a community is no longer important to a majority of Catholics, only about one-third.

3) Culture wars have removed the Catholic voice from the dialogue. The nature of truth is no longer understood. Ideological stances automatically demonize the other. But the Gospel is not an ideology: it is the message of life and community.

4) Secularization has confused the world in recognizing what is holy. Today 25% of the country have no religious affiliation whatsoever, including some nearly 20 million ex-Catholics. This doesn’t even include some 14 million Hispanics whose leaving was not even documented.

Dr. Ospino offered a contrast for this moment. We can approach it, he said, as crisis, the liminal moment between what is passing and what is to come, or a sacred moment of kairos, an emerging moment of grace. This is where the joy of the Gospel touches lives. God’s faithfulness is here and now. We must declare ourselves in a permanent state of mission, en salida, going out to touch those on the peripheries, to the vulnerable and the poor.

In this way the value of religious freedom is not a selfish desire, or a political theory. God has placed us here and now to be communities of witness to show people a new way: “behold, I am doing something new” with you.

May God bless you.



Announcements ~ July 2, 2017

fleur cross logo Please note this most important announcement:  Beginning Sunday, 30 July 2017, our Sunday Mass schedule will change.  Saturday Vigil Mass will now be at 5pm (Confessions at 3:30pm); Sunday Masses will be offered at 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) and 5pm.
fleur cross logo Happy Fourth of July!  May God bless our country and help us appreciate the value of freedom and those who have given so much to make it a reality.
fleur cross logo This Weekend: Cross Catholic Outreach. Delivering food, shelter and hope to the poorest of the poor. Father Hugh Duffy, Ph.D. of Cross Catholic Outreach is visiting our parish this weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries.
fleur cross logo Peter’s Pence (Holy Father) Collection - Our second collection today is for Peter’s Pence, a worldwide collection that supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. Join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous today. For more information, visit
fleur cross logo Please consider our Catholic School. We invite you to visit our website,, if you would like to see what we can do for your child. Call our St. Bernadette School office at 703-451-8696 to learn more, or to arrange for a tour. Registration is still open for all classes, we hope to see you soon!
fleur cross logo Religious Education Class Enrollment is NOW!  Registration forms are available in the Church Vestibule and Parish Office. For more information, please visit our website:

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ July 2, 2017

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

With our emphasis on registration of parish families in school and religious education, I don’t want to overlook an opportunity to sincerely invite all adults in the parish who need to receive sacraments, for whatever reason, to begin planning to make that a part of the coming year.

Adults’ sacramental formation includes two basic tracks to meet the needs of most:

  • There is the RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) for adults (age 18 years and older) who desire Baptism and full membership in the Church with the additional sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion, as well as those who are baptized already in another ecclesial communion (church), seeking to embrace the Catholic Faith. (For those aged 12-18 we have a similar program for young people, RCIC.) This is also an opportunity of those who are baptized but uncatechized, or baptized Catholic but raised in a church other than Catholic. These classes begin in September and continue until Easter, in 2018 celebrated on April 1. We meet throughout this time, generally, on Tuesday nights.
  • There is also sacramental preparation for adults who desire Confirmation, for those who were raised in Catholic school or Religious Education but, for whatever reason, never were confirmed. This is a program that will begin probably around January, maybe six classes to be announced later in the year. Those completing these classes will be able to choose a Confirmation date with the parish (April 26) or with Bishop at the Cathedral around the time of Pentecost.

There is still considerable confusion about the need of sacraments today. Without all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion—and, if you are married, sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church)— you may not stand as a Godparent or Sponsor to someone who is seeking Baptism or Confirmation. This is not a parish rule, it is the Canon Law of the Church.

If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Church, now is a good time to start the conversation, express your support and commit to their program of formation. Let them know that these opportunities of grace are available to them! Once the RCIA program starts in September, it is difficult to catch up—especially since Easter is so early this year (Ash Wednesday is on Valentine’s Day!). If you are considering it, God might be calling you to a deeper life with him; if you aren’t, pray for those among us who are seeking.

We have a similar two-track series of courses in Spanish if there is a need. Please consider making it happen this coming year. We will begin registration for RCIA (RICA en español) in August. The course of preparation for First Communion and Confirmation will begin in January and go until Easter.

  • This might be a good time to consider the sacrament of marriage, too. Again, there seems always to be a lot of confusion. The law of the Church is very simple: Catholics are only validly married if married in the Church with the sacrament of marriage. Civil marriages or marriages in other churches aren’t valid, unless you have received special permission in advance from the Bishop.

If you are married civilly, you may not receive sacraments until we “supply” the sacrament, or “convalidate” the marriage. It is important to stay alive in the sacraments. Convalidations are simple: we still do the necessary preparation, and a simple ceremony is held at a date chosen. Convalidations are simpler celebrations because the bride and groom have already been living together, and maybe even have children already.

If you have been validly married before (this means Catholic marriage for Catholics, or any marriage—civil or religious—for non-Catholics) we may not celebrate marriage until we have undergone the canonical process of declaring the first marriage “null,” or an “annulment.” This does not mean that the children from a first marriage are illegitimate (this is a common misunderstanding), because legitimacy has to do only with civil marriage. For whatever reason, the attempted Sacrament did not happen, whether due to lack of proper intention, full knowledge of the other, maturity, lack of freedom or psychological limits which may have led to a mistake. If you find yourself in this situation, let us help you. As of July 1, there will be no fees for annulments anymore.

Consider this summer as a time of planning for the future. If you have any questions, please know that your call is welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.

May God bless you,


Announcements ~ June 25, 2017

fleur cross logo Please note this most important announcement:  Beginning Sunday, 30 July 2017, our Sunday Mass schedule will change.  Saturday Vigil Mass will now be at 5pm (Confessions at 3:30pm); Sunday Masses will be offered at 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) and 5pm.
fleur cross logo This Monday, June 26: Monthly Ecumenical Prayer Service in the Taizé Tradition. Join us for this tradition of prayer for unity and peace in our world. 8-8:45pm every fourth Monday of the month. All are welcome, invite your Christian friends.
fleur cross logo Saturday and Sunday, July 1-2: Cross Catholic Outreach. Delivering food, shelter and hope to the poorest of the poor. Father Hugh Duffy, Ph.D. of Cross Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish July 1-2 to speak at all the Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries.
fleur cross logo The second collection next weekend is the Peter’s Pence Collection which supports the Pope’s charitable works. Thank you for your generosity.
fleur cross logo Please consider our Catholic School. We invite you to visit our website,, if you would like to see what we can do for your child. Call our St. Bernadette School office at 703-451-8696 to learn more, or to arrange for a tour. Registration is still open for all classes, we hope to see you soon!
fleur cross logo Religious Education Class Enrollment is NOW!  Registration forms are available in the Church Vestibule and Parish Office. For more information, please visit our website:

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ June 25, 2017

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

The temperatures this week clearly announced that summer is here! With the close of the school year, our students are off in all directions, I’m sure, with family on new adventures and experiences, or enjoying some well-earned rest. There is a good article in this week’s bulletin by our principal, Mrs. Dalmut, about how we can sustain all the good work we accomplished this last school year and carry it forward to next fall.

Wonderful events took place in the last couple of weeks! Unfortunately, nobody took photos! If there is anyone—or maybe several people—who would like to serve the parish as a photographer at parish events, that would be a great service. Please contact me.

Our procession was small but beautiful last Sunday evening on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Of course, people were celebrating Fathers’ Day. We developed a special booklet of Eucharistic hymns and prayers, from which we worshiped and processed simply from the church to the school courtyard where we had erected a small altar for the Blessed Sacrament, then returned to the church. I hope this great world Tradition will become a tradition for us.

Likewise, our celebrations of Solemn Evening Prayer, or Vespers, on Pentecost Sunday (June 4) and our special Mass (and “wedding reception”) for the renewal of wedding vows (June 8) were opportunities to further explore the riches of community prayer and fellowship, and thank God for his good gifts of the Holy Spirit, the bond of love that we celebrate in the sacrament of Marriage and live in family. Again, I hope these can become regular parish events.

We gathered last week on Thursday for the diocesan healing Mass. One person described her experience of the Mass in a very touching way: “It was,” she said,”like an embrace. I have never experienced the Mass and community in such a real way. The love was overwhelming.” Then, on Friday night, we welcomed an ecumenical congregation, largely Catholic and Evangelical, to join together in meditating with Sacred Scripture and direct, intentional prayers of petition for those who have suffered persecution for being Christian. At one point in the prayer service we prayed silently as the 34 most dangerous countries for Christians were named, and a candle was lit in remembrance of those who have died, as well as those who live with the threat of martyrdom every day.

All of a sudden, it seems kind of quiet around here... if you look at the calendar, we are definitely in summer mode, it is here. My experience suddenly has shifted from “new” to familiar: it is one year now that I have been here with you.

It is time to get busy on our many projects for the summer—it will be August 21 and the teachers will be returning before we know it!

Much of our work this summer will continue to focus on our school. Mrs. Dalmut and the president of our PTO, Jackson Toof and I met this week to prioritize our efforts, to give first priority to whatever will support the efforts of our teachers and the successful instruction and formation of our students. There are a few items that seem to be perennially discussed but not accomplished due to budgets.

I thought I might mention these here, in case there might be people who are looking for concrete ways to support our parish mission of Catholic education financially. Of course, this is an auction year and I hope we can host an auction that will involve the parish as much as it involves school families, but these items would give us such a head start instructionally that they need to be given for your consideration.

The teachers would like their classrooms to have new “skins” that will convert their old-fashioned chalk boards into dry-erase marker boards. The cost is $500 per chalkboard, for each of the 16 classrooms.

The other item is quite a bit more to ask for, but here goes. Chromebooks, or tablets used by students in the classroom, facilitate basic skills like reading and arithmetic in ways that are transformed today by technology. We currently have three carts for the whole school and a goal to work toward a cart for almost every classroom.A cart of 30 Chromebooks costs $13,000.

Stay cool. We’ll keep the air conditioning on for you in church.

May God bless you.


Announcements ~ June 18, 2017

fleur cross logo Please note this most important announcement: Beginning Sunday, 30 July 2017, our Sunday Mass schedule will change. Saturday Vigil Mass will now be at 5pm (Confessions at 3:30pm); Sunday Masses will be offered at 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) and 5pm.

fleur cross logo Today begins our Fathers’ Day Novena of Masses offered for all your intentions placed in front of the altar throughout the Novena. Fathers’ Day Cards and extra novena envelopes are still available in the vestibule of the Church and in the Office.

fleur cross logo This weekend: Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession and Solemn Benediction. Join us for a traditional procession following the 5pm Sunday Mass.

fleur cross logo Our Parking Lot repaving begins this week. Please see page 6 for details.We hope to have the project completed by Friday, 23 June (pray for no rain!). Thank you for your patience.

fleur cross logo Monday, June 26: Monthly Ecumenical Prayer Service in the Taizé Tradition. Join us for this tradition of prayer for unity and peace in our world. 8-8:45pm every fourth Monday of the month. All are welcome, invite your Christian friends.

fleur cross logo Sunday, July 2: Cross Catholic Outreach. Delivering food, shelter and hope to the poorest of the poor. Father Hugh Duffy, Ph.D. of Cross Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish July 2 to speak at all the Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries.

Fr. Don's Weekly Letter ~ June 18, 2017

Dear Good People of Saint Bernadette,

I hope you can feel the excitement. So many things happening right now at Saint Bernadette. Besides the summer maintenance we’ve scheduled (new parking lot, new coat of paint on the church roof, new floors in all school bathrooms, renovating the Our Lady of Wisdom Chapel and the new sign out at the street), we are well into the process of arranging for special permits to our expansion projects in the Preschool and parish and school offices to be built Summer of ‘18.

Even more exciting developments are underway with regard to parish staff and school faculty and staff. With a number of teachers in transition this year, we were blessed to know early enough in the process with Mrs. Barbara Dalmut starting as Principal at Easter, and we have already nearly rebuilt our faculty and staff with excellent educators and administrators. I look forward to the advances we will make in our school this year. Also, this week our new Youth Ministry program will be underway, and we welcome Fr. Jack Peterson, Director of Mission and Advancement of Youth Apostles, Director of Youth Ministry Cara Lilly, and Assistant Director Stephen Paquette.

The Cub Scouts are back! I was on hand to witness Bears become Webelos this week (below). That’s as far as I made it in Scouting...

File Jun 13 11 24 45 AM

But the most important news this week has to do with schedules. We have added an additional Sunday afternoon session to our Religious Education program. With the development of our 5pm Mass as the Mass that is served as much as possible by our youth, it would be wonderful to provide an opportunity for all youth, but especially our 7th and 8th graders to come to RE before the 5pm Mass, and follow after the 5pm Mass for our parish Youth Ministry program. Youth will be invited to serve the 5pm Mass as choir and cantors, servers, lectors, greeters and ushers and anything else we can think of.

Also, please make a note of our new weekend schedule for Masses. This has potential to throw off a lot of people, and so I rely on all of you to get the word out, too. Beginning Saturday and Sunday, July 29-30, this will be the weekend schedule, changes are in red:

8am Mass
10am Baptisms
12 and 2pm Weddings
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Mass
7:30am Mass
9am Mass
11am Mass
1pm Mass (Spanish)
5pm Mass

We have been challenged with only 45 minutes between the higher-attended Sunday Masses (especially if they run a little long) with simply letting one Mass congregation leave and another arrive, park and get inside. I think this 15 minutes is going to make a lot of difference. I know I had originally mentioned that we might move the current 11:15 to 10:45, but the time before 10:45 is just too short. So, please spread the word.

Finally, a word about Taizé. A community of priests in Taizé, France, welcomed refugees when the Nazis occupied nearby Paris during World War II. In seeking an ecumenical form of worship in which all their refugees could participate, they developed a kind of very peaceful, melodic chanting of scriptural and spiritual texts which touch the hearts of all who participate with an abiding peace and holiness. We hosted this monthly prayer service at Saint Mary for twelve years, and would like to bring it here—every fourth Monday, 8-8:45pm. Please join us.

May God bless you,


Announcements ~ June 11, 2017

fleur cross logo Mass cards for the Father’s Day Novena of Masses are available in the vestibule or parish office. Remember your dads and grandfathers in this beautiful remembrance. Please return your envelopes by Friday, June 16.

fleur cross logo St. Bernadette welcomes back CUB SCOUT PACK 995. Please join the pack leaders on Sunday, June 11 for a meeting and an opportunity to signup. A Fun Water Activity is planned - 6:30-8pm at the St. Bernadette school playground. See page 6 for contact information.
fleur cross logo All are invited to come to the Mass and Healing Service June 15 at 7:30pm. More information on page 14 of this bulletin.
fleur cross logo Friday, June 16: Prayer for Persecuted Christians. Join us at 7:30pm for this ecumenical prayer service for those who suffer in their faith. Hosted by Catholics and Evangelicals.
fleur cross logo Sunday, June 18: Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession and Solemn Benediction. Join us for a traditional procession following the 5pm Sunday Mass.
fleur cross logo Monday, June 26: Monthly Ecumenical Prayer Service in the Taizé Tradition. Join us for this tradition of pray for unity and peace in our world. 8-8:45pm every fourth Monday of the month. All are welcome, invite your Christian friends.
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Holy Spirit Novena