St Bernadette Parish

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Title Speaker Date Series
8 Sep., 23rd Sunday OT, New possibilities 2024-09-08 Homilies
1 Sep, 22nd Sunday OT, Religion: compliance or commitment? 2024-09-01 Homilies
25 Aug, 21st Sunday OT, Really present for a reason 2024-08-25 Homilies
18 Aug, 20th Sunday OT, Life because of the Father and the Son 2024-08-18 Homilies
11 August, 19th Sunday OT, Elijah's food for the journey 2024-08-11 Homilies
28 July, 17th Sunday OT, Just a few loaves 2024-07-28 Homilies
14 July, 15th Sunday OT, In him 2024-07-14 Homilies
7 July. 14th Sunday OT, Faith in a person, not on what he can do 2024-07-07 Homilies
30 June, 13th Sunday OT, A religion of healing and life 2024-06-30 Homilies
23 June, 12th Sunday OT, Jesus is in the boat 2024-06-23 Homilies
16 June, 11th Sunday OT, Gardening the Kingdom 2024-06-16 Homilies
9 June, 10th Sunday OT, God has already won 2024-06-09 Homilies
2 June, Corpus Christi: What is Holy Communion? 2024-06-02 Homilies
26 May, Trinity Sunday: Person, Time, Relationship 2024-05-26 Homilies
19 May, Pentecost. The Holy Spirit 2024-05-19 Homilies
12 May, Ascension of the Lord, Now what? 2024-05-12 Homilies
5 May, 6th Sunday of Easter, First Communion 2024-05-05 Homilies
28 Apr, 5th Sunday of Easter, Stay on the vine! 2024-04-28 Homilies
21 Apr, 4th Sunday of Easter, The Good Shepherd Keystone 2024-04-21 Homilies
14 Apr, 3rd Sunday Easter, It's been there all the time 2024-04-14 Homilies